Licensure Test Dates Rescheduled and Teletherapy Updates

A Letter From TAMFT: Licensure Test Dates Rescheduled & Teletherapy Updates

Dear TAMFT members and Friends,

We received the following information today that I felt was important to send to you:

The Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) announced today that national licensure exams will be rescheduled: “All Prometric Test Centers (PTC) in the US and Canada have closed through at least April 16. All candidates who have tested will be scored, however, all other candidates will be transferred to June.” 

For the duration of the COVID-19 national crisis, AMFTRB and PTC have put in place special reschedule rules. If you chose to reschedule as a result of COVID-19 please contact PTC at 212.356.0660. Please monitor the PTC website here. AMFTRB updates may be found here.

Other Teletherapy Updates

To better help serve Texans during COVID-19, TAMFT and TSBEMFT continue to encourage MFTs in Texas to pursue the 15-hour requirement for teletherapy in Texas. To clarify information sent out earlier this week, LMFTs with dual licenses must adhere to the license with the higher standard—or the MFT rules for teletherapy. If you are a TAMFT member who is an LPC and not an LMFT, you do not have to obtain the 15 hours of training to practice teletherapy, but are encouraged to gain training on the basics before beginning this type of practice.

TSBEMFT does allow for all 15 hours of the continuing education to be conducted online. TAMFT provides a list of possible courses for receiving the 15-hour training on its teletherapy resources page, including new information added consistently as we receive it. We encourage members to continue pursuing opportunities to gain teletherapy certification during these troubling times. TAMFT members receive free access to our introduction course on teletherapy, and we’re working to add other courses and opportunities for members and nonmembers to our offerings.

If you know of a teletherapy course or other MFT resource that would be beneficial to your fellow members, we encourage you to let us know about it so we can share it with others!


Linda Metcalf

TAMFT President

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